Saturday, February 24, 2018

love vashikaran totke

The relation between wife and husband is one of the very important relationships. If it goes well, many people remain happy in their life.

If you have been facing some kind of problems in your married life, you must go through these totka. Let’s have a look.

Totke For Love And Vashikaran

    • To revive the love between you and her/him, take one banana and mix it well with Gorochan. Apply this prepared paste on your forehead. Performing this totka helps to enhance the captivating power. You spouse will do love a lot to you.

    • If your husband is not taking interest in you then you must try this another totka. When you both taking food, on that time take some food from your plate and put into the plate of your husband without his knowing. It works magically and create a lot of love between both of you.

    • Apart from it, you may try this another one. On Friday or Thursday, cut some hair from husband’s choti on the midnight. And you have to keep them at a place so he would not be able to see them. After some days (4-5 days) throw these hair out of your house. Whenever you feel he is not following you, you may try this totka.

  • During Navratra, go Lord Shiva temple and serve panchmrit to Shivling. After this, clean whole temple. Then, worship lord Shiva as per rules. On the same day at 10 pm, light up fire and chant this mantra OM NAMAH SHIVAY and offer in fire 108 times.

love vashikaran totke for love

Famous Love Guru Astrologer , ” Life Is Heaven If Your Love Is In Your Life, On The Other Hand Life Become Worst Place If Your Love Is Not In Your Life. A large portion Of People Suffered From Love Problems In Their Life Because Of Many Type Of Reasons Like, Some Wants Their Ex Love Back In Life, Some Are Unable To Express Their Feelings, Etc. In the wake of Realizing Their Mistake They Want They Love Back In Their Life At Any Cost. For This They Move Here and There To Find Proper Solution Of Their Love Problems.

Affection Is A Feeling Where Two People Involved and Like Each Other More Than Any Thing Else and When They Got Betrayed, Every Oder Thing In World Become Bad For Them. Indeed, even They Didn’t Want To Live Any More, Also Some Of Them Try Suicide. However, It Is Not A Solution Of Your Problem. Each Problem Has A Solution But The Matter Is To Find Out For It. It is possible that It Has To Be Done By Yourself Or To Be Get Help Of Some Person To Do It. Famous Love Guru Astrologer.

Once in a while People Got Married To The One They Love Most, But Thing Get Worst Even After Marriage Which Results Into Broken Their Marriage.It Disturbs Them More As They Married To The Person They Love, But Still He/He Will Not With Them Due To Divorce Problems. So One Should Consult Some Love Guru Astrologer In Order To Succeed In His/Her Love. Love Guru Astrologer Is The Only One Who Can Guide You Properly In Order To Take Care Of Your Love, So It Should Not Be Go Away From Your Life For Whole.Famous Love Guru Astrologer

There Are Many Love Guru Astrologers Available In The Market, But Astrologer JI Is One Of The Famous and Most Popular Of Them. Individuals From Worldwide Countries Consult With Them and Get Guidance From Them Regarding Their Love Matters. So Far In Their Life They Never Get Failed In Providing Right Directions To Lovers. Every Single Person Who Comes Under Their Guidance Is Now Living Happily With His/Her Lover Without Any Type Of Fear Of Loosing It.

अगर आप किसी वर या कन्या से प्रेम करते हो और उसे पाना या अपने वश में करना चाहते हो और उसके दिल में अपने लिए जगह बनाना चाहते हो तो नीचे दिए गए प्रयोगो का और मन्त्रों का इस्तेमाल करे परन्तु इनका प्रयोग तभी करना चाहिए जब आपका प्रेम सच्चा हो आपकी उसके प्रति भावना निश्चल हो, आप उसके योग्य हो और आपको लगता हो की आप उसे प्रसन्न रख पाएंगे …..ध्यान रहे इससे किसी का भी अहित करने की भावना से प्रयोग करना सर्वथा गलत होगा !

प्रेम में सफलता,वशीकरण के उपाय

जब भी किसी को प्रेम करें तो याद रखें कि संयम और प्रतीक्षा सबसे उत्तम उपाय है

1. भगवान विष्णु और लक्ष्मी की मूर्ति या फोटो के सम्मुख शुक्ल पक्ष में गुरुवार से
” ऊँ लक्ष्मी नारायणाय नमः।”
मन्त्र की 3 माला प्रतिदिन स्फटिक की माला से जप करें और 3 महीनों तक हर गुरुवार को मंदिर में प्रसाद चढ़ायें।

2. कृष्ण मंदिर में बांसुरी और पान अर्पण से प्रेम की प्राप्ति होती है ।

3. यदि आप किसी को अपना बनाना चाहते हैं तो माँ दुर्गा की की पूजा करे माता को लाल रंग की ध्वजा चढ़ाएं व प्रेम में सफलता की मनोकामना मांगें।

4. शहद से रुद्राभिषेक करने से मनचाहा प्रेम मिलता है ।

5.सोलह सोमवार के ब्रत से योग्य, सुन्दर, सुशील और प्रेम करने वाला जीवन साथी मिलता है ।

6. प्रेम-विवाह में सफलता के लिए शुक्ल पक्ष में प्राण प्रतिष्ठत असली नेपाली गौरी-शंकर रुद्राक्ष, वाइट गोल्ड में धारण करें |

love vashikaran totke for girlfriend

7. ओपल या हीरा रत्न धारण कर से प्रेम-संबंधों को विवाह तक पहुंचाने में सहायता मिलती है।

8. यदि प्रेमी/प्रेमिका में से कोई एक मांगलिक हैं और प्रेम-विवाह में बाधा आ रही है तो तो विवाह की लिए पुन: विचार करें नहीं तो मंगल दोष का तत्काल निवारण अवश्य ही कर लें, अन्यथा जीवन भर पछताना पड़ सकता है।

9. सप्तमेश या सप्तम भाव में विराजमान ग्रह की शांति अवश्य करा लें।

10. एक-दूसरे को नुकीली या काले रंग की कोई वस्तु कभी भी न दें | इससे संबंध खराब होने की संभावना होती है।

12. गिफ्ट में कभी भी काले रंग की कोई वस्तु एक-दूसरे को न दें। इससे आपस में दूरियां हो सकती है।

लड़के को प्रेम में सफलता के लिए पन्ना (एमरल्ड) की अंगूठी धारण करना चाहिए इससे प्रेयसी के मन में प्रबल आकर्षण बना रहता है ।

13. प्रेमी युगल को शनिवार और अमावस्या के दिन नहीं मिलना चाहिए। इन दिनों में मिलने से आपस में किसी भी बात पर विवाद हो सकता है …एक दूसरे की कोई भी बात बुरी लग सकती है तथा प्रेम संबंधो में सफलता मिलने में संदेह हो सकता है।

14. प्रेमी युगल को यह प्रयास करना चाहिए कि शुक्रवार और पूर्णिमा के दिन अवश्य मिलें। जिस शुक्रवार को पूर्णिमा हो वह दिन अत्यंत शुभ रहता है इस दिन मिलने से परस्पर प्रेम व आकर्षण बढ़ता है।

15. सफ़ेद वस्त्र धारण करके किसी भी धार्मिक स्थान पर लाल गुलाब व चमेली का इत्र अर्पित करके अपने प्रेम की सफलता के लिए सच्चे मन से प्रार्थना करें निश्चय ही लाभ होगा।

16. काम व आकर्षण बीज मंत्र का जाप करें।
     मंत्र- ऊँ क्लीं नम:।

आकर्षण शक्ति बड़ाने के लिए इस मंत्र का जाप करें ।
     ॐ क्लीं कृष्णाय गोपीजन वल्लभाय स्वाहा:

अपने प्रेमी या प्रेमिका को अपने मन में रखकर उपरोक्त मंत्र से राधा-कृष्ण की प्रतिमा, तस्वीर या मंदिर में जाकर सच्चे मन से 108 बार भगवान श्रीकृष्ण की आराधना करें। प्रति शुक्रवार किसी भी राधा कृष्ण के मंदिर में जाकर उनकी प्रतिमा का दर्शन करें उन्हें फूल माला, और मिश्री का भोग लगाएं, अति शीघ्र ही आपके प्रेम विवाह में आ रही हर अड़चन दूर होगी, प्रेम विवाह में अवश्य सफलता मिलेगी।

17 मनचाहे प्रेम विवाह के लिए भगवान श्री कृष्ण का मन्त्र :————
भगवान श्री कृष्ण के राधा जी के साथ प्रेममय स्वरुप का ध्यान करें. भगवान के ऐसे चित्र या मूर्ती को लाल / गुलाबी रंग के गोटेदार वस्त्र पर स्थापित करके धूप, दीप, पुष्प, इत्र मीठा अर्पित करके गुलाबी रंग के आसन पर बैठ कर चन्दन की माला से नित्य एक माला इस मंत्र का जाप करें.

Do you have the crush on someone and cause of which do you wants to get the same feeling from another side too? Then you are at the perfect place we are here to make help you, so keep reading continue you will get the answer to your Question. Making someone towards you or fall in love with you is really not the easiest thing but you can use Akarshan Mantras to Make Someone Love in with you easily. Akarshan mantra is basically a mantra which is used to make anyone attracted towards you when you use this mantra on any person then his/her mind get attracted towards you and slowly-slowly they will start loving you also. Which will be a miracle for you because a person who even not interested or you or even don’t know about you will become now crazy or desperate for you. So for getting more knowledge about Akarshan mantra you can make consult to our Moulana Ji who will make help you to know about each and everything about Akarshan Mantra and as well as makes help you to  get know about that how to use Akarshan mantra on your desire and so by that they start to make loving you.

Making a girl fall in love with you is really a very hardest thing, no matter how much you try to make her in you if she is not interested then she will never ever pay attention towards you. But if you are desperate and crazy for him wants to live your whole life with them and cause of that you wants to make them convince then in that you should use Akarshan mantra to attract a desired girl for making life partner. Akarshan mantra will work effectively for you and make help you to get that girl as not only your loved one even as your life partner too.

When two people fall in love, other things like caste, religion, culture, language never matters for the love birds. But it does matters for the two families. As you know, one-sided love also exists where one person is in love, but the other person is not. But it’s not easy to forget your love because the feelings and emotions are so strong and intense that it almost becomes impossible to live without that person.

love vashikaran totke for get love

Where there is love, there is heart-break also. If you love someone, you need that person around you. You like to spend some time with your partner. It’s easy to fall in love because you are not required to put in efforts. But when you are in a relationship, you need to work hard to keep up your relationship. Relationships are very delicate matters.

Hence it becomes more important to deal very carefully with the problems that come in your relationship. There are many ways to tackle with these problems and one of the best ways is Vashikaran. It is difficult to keep up love and peace in your relationship or get your love back or make the person fall in love that you love. But if you try Vashikaran you can do anything.

Like many other problems such as compatibility, wave length, extra martial affairs, etc. in a relationship one more problem comes when the love is not there from both the sides. When two people come together, fall in love and get engaged in a relationship, their life gets connected to each other. But in this case, one person is not at all aware about the other person’s feelings. So there is no connection between two people.

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