Sunday, December 3, 2017

love problems

Love is indescribable and unreliable, when we fall in love with someone, we get eager to express our love feeling in front of them, which is in our heart. However, some of us can express feeling in front of their desired one, but you know all of us don’t have such valiant, which can easily confess their feeling, consequence of this; they live life without loved and eager. To keep this thing in mind our Specialist, Pandit ji provides love problems solution.

A person who is in love with someone who doesn't allow justifies their beloveds from the superstition of caste, religion, and creed. Love is a connection of two holy souls, which connected to each other without any selfishness purpose. It is sweeter feeling and intimacy of romance, people goes drowns in this feeling with their partner again and again. There's no space remain for any kind of conflict and rift because a couple has a genuine feeling to each other and dedicated life forever. Nevertheless, sometimes something went wrong cause of that misconception and suspects occur that make love relation imperfect and seem like, love doesn’t remain for a long time.

Being a teenager is tough. Teens are caught between childhood and adulthood. Being interested in finding a boyfriend or girlfriend is normal. Unfortunately, most teenagers aren't prepared for the level of maturity a real relationship requires. Love takes a lot of give and take, something not all teenagers are prepared for. There may also be problems in different maturity levels between the couple; if one teen is more mature than the other, the relationship may lead to a lot of frustration and misunderstandings.

love problems for love


Between school, work, homework, and get-togethers with their friends, teens may have difficulty making time for a relationship. Most teenagers have curfews, and many aren't able to drive. The relationship may depend on getting rides to the movies or to restaurants with family members. Many teens find that being in a relationship is detrimental to their grades, due to the extra time spent with (and thinking about) their significant other, creating problems at school and with family members, which can hurt the relationship.

Future Plans

During the late school years, teens begin to think about their futures, planning for college and careers. This becomes a problem for teen love when the couple don't have similar plans. If one is going to college in another state, and the other is staying home, there may be problems. Although this is not a problem in some relationships, teen love may suffer if there are other differences in the future plans of the couple. If one is planning on moving out of state permanently, joining the armed forces, or even traveling for a while, the other half of the couple might feel left behind. Many teens who are graduating and leaving home also want the freedom to explore new experiences, without needing to check back with a boyfriend or girlfriend at home.

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure can be a significant problem for teen love. If a girl's friends don't approve of the boy she likes, she may break off the relationship to preserve the friendships. If a boy is getting taunted by his friends because of his girlfriend, he might break up with her to fit in. This becomes even more of a problem with gay or lesbian teenagers. Even teens who have "come out" may find it difficult to openly date another teen. The nontraditional relationship may cause a lot of problems at school and with family members, as some people have a hard time accepting the different type of relationship.


The teenage years are the first time people experience lust, and all of the confusing feelings that go with it. One of the biggest problems with teen love are all of the changes taking place in a teen's body, combined with conflicting views from friends, family and the media about the physical side of teen relationships. There are a lot of reasons to abstain from intercourse as a teenager, and a relationship may run into problems if one person wants more physical intimacy than the other is ready for.

Life is full of problems. Today I walked my puppy in the rain — he wouldn’t walk. When we got back we were both sopping wet and he shook all of the rain and mud onto the floor of the apartment. Good times. At work, a deal fell through. AWS went down (along with half the internet). Someone left their lunch in the office fridge for 2 months and it grew into a tree.

love problems for marriage

Accountants have problems, engineers have problems, entrepreneurs have problems. To start, let’s look at the macro case of a business, where problems abound. How often have you heard people in a business, or any organization for that matter, complaining with incessant negativity about all the problems they have? If you’ve ever worked in one, I’m sure you’ll agree that the answer is all the time.

Heck — you don’t even have to look at work. The next time you’re out having a jolly good time with friends, notice what percentage of the conversation ends up being about the problems everyone has. And not only about the problems, but also how annoying/difficult/unreasonable Joe’s mother is being for cutting off his potato chip allowance.

The problem with problems

As someone who’s started a business and has also worked in a startup, I, like pretty much anyone, have been overwhelmed by problems before. They’re always there, prowling about and sometimes it seems like whatever strength you can muster to solve one only ends up creating more.

Here’s what we know for sure.

  1. There will always be problems, you’ll never solve’m all.

  2. Humans’ innate response to a problem is negativity.

We’re wired to see problems as inherently bad things. It shouldn’t come as a surprise — problems are problems because they are obstacles between us and something we want. If I’m driving and there’s construction on my way home, of course I’ll be unhappy with the obstacle because it now affects my goal of making it in time to let my puppy out before he pees all over the floor.

Sounds like a lose-lose situation. What a bleak picture. You mean there will always be problems and we’re wired to gripe and moan about them?

Here’s one way to look at business problems specifically. People in businesses always look for the absence of conflict through solutions. We are solution-oriented, always solving problems looking for a state where there are fewer problems to be solved. In a startup, team morale will shoot sky high whenever we overcome a huge obstacle, but then also comes crashing back down to reality when a huge competitor makes a move to crush us.

love problems for husband

When it comes to love and intimate relationships, one neurohormone gets more press than anything else. Its name is oxytocin, and it often gets called the “love hormone” (N.B. sometimes it acts like a hormone and sometimes it acts like a neurotransmitter, which is why I call it a neurohormone). Your brain/body releases oxytocin to strengthen relationships. Oxytocin gets released during light caresses, sex, when someone shows they trust you, and sometimes even simply with talking. When released, oxytocin increases feelings of attachment for another person, as well as feelings of trust. It also decreases feelings of stress, fear and pain. Sounds pretty good to me. But unfortunately it’s not all rainbow sprinkles and unicorns for everyone. Turns out that if you didn’t have a good relationship with your parents then it’s harder to harness the positive effects of oxytocin.

The final study I’m going to talk about actually shows that not only does having a bad relationship with your parents keep you from experiencing the benefits of oxytocin, but it can also make oxytocin have a negative effect. In this recent study the researchers gave a group of men a small puff of oxytocin and asked them to think about their mothers (Bartz et al 2010). Men who had positive, close relationships with their mothers remembered those relationships as even more positive. But for those who had difficult relationships with their mothers, they remembered them as even more negative and difficult. This is important because being close with other people is an essential part of happiness and well-being. If you had a difficult relationship with your parents, it may influence your ability to feel close with other people. And if you do start to feel close that boost in oxytocin can potentially fuel more negative thoughts.

People often consider themselves to be having love problems when they are struggling in their relationships. However, the problems in love aren't really love problems, they are lack of love problems. Troubled relationships have love missing problems, it's not loves problem, if the love was flowing, there would not be any problems in their love.

Life is all about learning to love within the context of relationships. The keyword in that sentence being "learning". The learning to love class was not offered at school during childhood, so many of us are learning by way of examples. These examples are set by our parents, by society, and by culture and often lack good direction, as our parents may have been poor examples and society often equates love to sex in order to generate revenues. So the biggest aspect of the so called problems in love are really a lack of love education.

love problems for girlfriend

We have all heard songs about love, the love hurts, broken heart love songs. You see people with shirts that express their pain in some fashion. It's not the love that hurts, it's the lack of love that was missing that caused their pain. Unfortunately for many, it is due to a lack of understanding. Many associate love to being loved, in a singular directional flow. We need to be as graceful in our giving of love, as we are in our receiving. The intentions of love are always giving in nature, love is not set on consuming.

The problems people have in their love relationships actually stem from love deficiency. The love deficiency problems are associated to their education and upbringing. Think about it, who ever sat you down and taught you what love really is, and how to love? Society often teaches the "all about you" class, but when your life is over, it's not going to be what you consumed and acquired for yourself, it's going to be about the love you gave.

Love is not just how others make you feel, it's not "I love you because you show me love", that is consuming love from another. Just because someone loves you and does loving things that make you feel the love inside, does not mean that you love them. Loving them would be to give and show love to them through your own outgoing actions. The next time you hear yourself saying he don't love me, or she don't show me love, ask yourself what is the real love problem? When you say something like that, what direction are you focusing on, outgoing or consuming?

In order for the wheels of love to spin within a relationship, love needs input from both parties. In order to do that, both parties need to have a clear understanding of what love really is. The best definition of love can be found in the bible, in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7; Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. That scripture is a necessary resource for anyone's love education.

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